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Intro for award-winning documentary “Destinos interrumpidos”/ “Interrupted destinies”
Intro for award-winning documentary “Destinos interrumpidos”/ “Interrupted destinies”
An acclaimed and emotional award-winning documentary, that depicts the fascinating real story of 2 men that after 26 years, find out that they were switched at birth due to an error committed at the hospital where they were born. Both men grew up less that 7 miles from each other, crossing paths frequently without even knowing. One man, Carlos Mario is raised in an upper class neighborhood in the beautiful city of Cartagena, Colombia. The other man, is raised in an under privileged village by the name of Turbaco. With their destinies switched, ironically Carlos Mario who grew up in a wealthy society, according to him; lacks affection from his siblings and suffers the abuse of his alcoholic father. On the other hand, Ransis lacked materialistic luxuries but is raised by a loving and caring family who singles him out as their favorite son. Genetics play a pivotal role in this story. The behavioral traits of the 2 men are completely opposite to the families that raised them for 26 years, but identical to their lost and found biological families. The poetic style of the narrative, comes alive as it evolves around one of the most beautiful and fascinating cities of the Americas. The story was also the source of massive media hype as it was portrayed in tons of late night shows, news sources and the product of a very successful soap opera. Amazon link: amazon.com/gp/video/detail/0RZE8DRP466CS0CFTRB3Z6VC6C/ref=imdbref_tt_wbr_pvt_aiv?tag=imdbtag_tt_wbr_pvt_aiv-20