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A Salvo short documentary

A short film narrating the fascinating life of Italian actor / producer Salvo Basile, who immigrated to the beautiful city of Cartagena, Colombia in the late 1960's while working on Marlon Brando's iconic Film Burn. Directed by: Gillo Pontecorvo. Salvo met the two loves of his life on set, Cartagena and his current wife Jackie and decided to stay in Colombia.

Full short film


Danny Holguin


Andres Morales


He began his studies at the San Antonio de los Baños School in Cuba, and later performed a career in Film and Television Direction at the Eliseo Subiela School in Buenos Aires - Argentina, where he studied Cinematography, Editing and Executive Production. His first short film as a director ``El Juego`` was the winner of several international awards. In Argentina he directed the series ``Illustrators`` for Canal á -. He also toured the field of video clips filming artists such as Kevin Johansen and Andrea Echeverri. In 2015 he returned to Colombia, he was part of the cinematography team for the series ``Déjala Morir`` on Telecaribe, about the life of Niña Emilia, winner of several India Catalina awards in 2018. In 2017 he joined the documentary area of Telepacifico Channel, directing and taking photography for the ``Buena Letra`` Series for which he was nominated for an India Catalina Award for best cinematography. Later he directed the documentary ``El Hombre Universal`` that narrated the life of the Chocoano writer Arnoldo Palacios, being nominated for an India Catalina Award for best documentary, and for which it was part of the Official Selection of the Cartagena International Film Festival FICCI 2019. He was winner of the India Catalina Award in 2021 as best cinematographer for the documentary ``Zapata el Gran Putas``, a documentary directed by Marino Aguado that pays tribute to the life and work of the writer Manuel Zapata Olivella. His last documentary as director: ``Nereo - Portrait without Permiso`` was an Official Selection of the FICCI 2021. He was cinematographer of the documentary ``El Viaje de la Marimba`` directed by Marino Aguado, his last project as director was ``Santa Escritura`` a series Telepacífico documentary that was filmed in Mexico and that delves into the different meanings of death in parallel with those of our country, through literary works by great Mexican exponents. His experience in recent years demonstrates his great interest in the construction of memory in Colombian territory.

Carolina Dossman

Producer - Sound