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Trailer for Two Sons, Two Fathers, Two Cartels / Trailer: Dos Hijos, Dos Padres, Dos Carteles

Trailer for Two Sons, Two Fathers, Two Cartels / Trailer: Dos Hijos, Dos Padres, Dos Carteles

The official trailer for the project that will unite Juan Pablo Escobar son of Pablo Escobar and William Rodriguez Abadia son of Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela. A Story of War and Peace.

Directed and Produced by: Danny Holguin: dhostudios.com
Director of Photography and Editor: Jason Gonzales: YouTube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UC60N
Produced by: Lili Lopez
Sound: Luis Eduardo Villamizar: Twitter: twitter.com/levmedia


June 24, 2020


Film, Video